How to write SEO friendly blog


SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is one of the important factors which directly affect the ranking of any blog in search engine. Many bloggers basically don’t care about SEO; they just go with the flow like they choose search engine responsive theme and publish their article.

Higher search engine raking not only depend on the blog theme, but it majorly depends on the title of the blog post. It may happen that some of your articles are popular and some are not.

Have you ever noticed why only a few articles are popular in your blog? Because with or without, knowledge, you might have kept a search engine friendly post title for those articles.

One thumb of rule is; your Keyword should in the post title and most of the writers make a mistake by just adding Keywords and not taking care of optimizing it for better.

Now we are going to see the exact steps that you need to follow when writing an article to make your blog post optimized.

No doubt SEO friendly titles are important for better search engine ranking, but your article should be attractive enough, otherwise…. You know what happens nobody will open your blog post from the search engine.

I this article, I am going to discuss “How to write the SEO friendly blog”, in this we will come to know how to get more blog traffic.

Analyzing the keyword of the article

Analyzing the keyword is basically the first step to write SEO friendly titles. You can find the titles by yourself or many online tools are available for making this task easier and smoother.

When you use any of the tools, and probably check the competitions number of results appears. After analyzing you will come to know what should be the keyword for getting more blog traffic.


Think before you write

The content should be attractive enough so that the readers can directly link their needs with your article. And purpose of the article should be clear and also write what should be the user is going to have at the end of the article. They should know the complete gist of your article in one shot so that they read the whole article with interest.

 original content

Structure of your blog

You should create a proper structure like in the beginning introduction should be powerful enough and the body with full description and lastly the conclusion. The structure is something you must keep in mind after keyword selection.

 Make use of paragraph

In most of the blogs we have seen that many paragraphs are there and every paragraph state the similar thing, you should avoid these only use paragraphs that state something new. It means every paragraph should state something new. There should be a reason for making new paragraph. You should analyze what is the main idea of each paragraph. You should be able to grasp the idea in single sentence.

 Make use of headings

Heading is the most important part because they are important for readability but at the same time SEO. Heading helps any search engine to grasp the long content and thus increase your ranking. If you want individuals to find their way in your blog you can also add subheadings. Subheadings will help individuals to scan your article and make the entire structure cleaner.

Make sure that the keywords which I have described in the start should be the part of subheading.

Make use of signal words

Signal words help to grasp the idea of nay article in a quick shot. No can get the main idea by the word itself. Signal words should be promising so that user can get involved in the article.

 Knowledge gathering

Let other people read your post before publishing. Discuss about the post and work based on the feedback received.

Teamwork-people.Communication in a team.Team discussion.

 Length of the article should be compact

Your article should be qualitative not quantitative, it means article should not be too long It might get scare users. And use the search term 3 to 6 times in your article.

Add the content on daily basis

Adding regular content in your blog might help you to sustain your page ranking to a great extent.

Writing is the skill; you just need to know how to present it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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